Usually January is filled with New Years resolutions, growing obsessions with smoothies / workout apps and moaning about the weather; which 9 times out of 10 seems to include snow, but now that Christmas is over it's just a pain!

This January is hitting different for many people and don't worry - you're not alone! So as we enter statistically the hardest month of the year after a year of lockdown, isolation and Covid-19 worries, here are some helpful points of how to spend your time and calm your mind...
Take down those Christmas decorations, declutter and tidy
On the decluttering note, why not empty out that inbox - unsubscribe, delete or mark as read!
Make plans for the future - travel, work, dates, concerts, outings - the world won't be shut down forever...
Daily walks and fresh air. As we know, theres nothing more important than getting out in the fresh air, for mind and soul! Get your warmest clothes on and get out there!
Indulge in soup making -
eating a variety of healthy, wholesome soups - wintery, warm, delicious!
Journalling - kick off 2021 by documenting what your up to, how you're feeling or what you're not doing.... who knows it could sell as a 2020/21 documentary insight in the future!
Treat yourself to a new loungewear set - another comfy set that didn't make it under the Christmas tree, treat yourself to it!
Make a 3 month plan - weekly goals, monthly things to do, weekend treats, work hours - your plan, your time, your rules!
Binge a tv series, movie or book trilogy on a genre you usually wouldn't pick, you might just learn something!
SELF CARE - skin routines, face/hair masks, baths, scrubs - make time for them and enjoy! <3